If you are a writer and have not been there: go there today, there are a lot of friendly faces and people waiting to hear your stories and your side of the other world. Don’t go solo with spelling errors, they are there to help you out: http://www.insecurewriterssupportgroup.com/ The topic this month: Have we taken a […]
fever dreams and “why brain, why!”
If there is one thing good about being sick, it is the fever dreams. Wild, vivid, intense fever dreams. Some people are afraid of them but that is where i can get to the inner core of what my imagination has to offer while getting a reprieve from whatever illness struck me down. This time […]
Ascendant: Trinity Clans has joined the pile of waiting manuscripts to get polished and edited for publication bringing my list back to four again. This will give me some time to flesh out Jena’s Blood Legacy before moving onto Shadow Fall. It is a bit of a habit of mine to write the bio’s, the […]
http://www.insecurewriterssupportgroup.com/p/iwsg-sign-up.html There is a simple answer to that: No matter how much editing a person does, something always seems to be missed. I learned that with my first novel, Templar: Order and Chaos. I am lucky to have a relative with an English Degree and she is helping me to fix that for the first […]
Templar: Spirit Killer release date
If reading something over and over could make your eyes bleed then I would have died of a hemorrhage. I have tried my best to scrub my drafts of TSK for the last several months and hopefully I will have caught most of the spelling errors this time. I wish I had enough money to […]
Merry Christmas: info and updates
Good evening Readers! This may be my last post before Christmas so as I get through my writers block, let me give you some information about what is coming up. Seal color types. By now you should have seen the different types of seals in use in Templar: Order and Chaos. While I never stated […]
About this Election
As I approach the fifty thousand word mark in NaNoWrimo this month, something has been on my mind since the 9th. I have been hearing reports on the news and on Facebook, as well as from co workers, about how little children in schools are terrorizing their peers. Telling them that they are going to […]
New Preview available
This is From Templar: Order and Chaos. It shows a glimpse into Jena’s mission. Enjoy! https://www.createspace.com/Preview/1201459
Finally got a Preview available: from Chapter #3: https://www.createspace.com/Preview/1200299
The new proofs came in today! They look much better than the first and ready for publishing. The link in createspace is here: https://www.createspace.com/6532511 I will have the amazon link in a few days.